This week we are celebrating leadership in our school. Your homework for the next two weeks will be centered around this.
Leadership challenge!!!!!
Over the next two weeks, we, the Te Ako Kahikatea teachers, challenge you to these tasks. You can complete as many as you like.
DOCUMENT your evidence anyway you like- think videos, photos, slides, note taking, poster presentation, slideshow, artwork- whatever you like!
THE AIM is to find out a little more about what leadership is what what it means to lead. Choose from the activities below.
ACTIVITY 1: What is leadership? Discussion. Choose some family members who are willing to take part and have a conversation/interview them. Record their answers. Ask them these questions:
- What does the word 'leader' mean to them?
- What qualities do they think it takes to make a good leader?
- Who is a leader that they admire? Why?
- Who is a leader they dislike? Why?
- Basic information: their name, where they are from, a little bit about them and their life
- What they were a leader in
- Why you think they are inspirational
- A quote or example of their leadership
ACTIVITY THREE: Being a leader at home. Think of something you could teach a family member or friend. Prepare a lesson and record your lesson plan. Teach the lesson and record the evidence. Some things to think about:
- How did the lesson go?
- Was it easy to be the leader and teach someone a new skill?
- What was difficult about the activity?
- What was fun or exciting about being the leader?
ACTIVITY FOUR: Mirror mirror on the wall- How could I change the world? Watch Kid Presidents video How to change the world. Have a think about some of these questions and create a presentation about it.
- Kid president says a lot of people don't think we can change the world. What sort of things might a leader do differently to these people?
- How do you think we could change the world (for the better)?
- Think about your strenghts- things you enjoy and/or are good at (or getting better at)? How could you use these to show leadership in your world?
- Dream big- if you could be a leader in anything, what would it be? When you're a grown up, what sorts of things could you do to make a difference in the world?
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