Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Homework: Term 3 Week 2 - 4

Welcome back to school and another exciting term!

We have dived in head first, starting with our trip to the film festival last week. We were lucky enough to be invited along to Shorts for Schools for the second year in a row which definitely did not disappoint. That brings us to our first homework task:

Movie Review
Choose your favourite short movie from our Film Festival trip and write a review for it. Check these links out for some handy tips:

You can present this in a written format or as a filmed review.

This term we continue our focus on SYSTEMS as we look at SOLAR SYSTEMS.

For your homework this week, we would like you to think about the following scenario...

There is a world wide housing crisis. Too many humans, and not enough space. Scientists have recently discovered a vast amount of running water on Mars and are confident that humans will be able to exist on mars if they were to live in specific housing conditions. YOU have been entrusted to design a large structure that could house an entire community and allow them to live comfortably on Mars. If you are successful, many more of these structures will be built.

Things to consider:
- What do we use every day of our lives? eg: kitchens, bed, food...
- What would the design need to include to ensure humans can survive their safely?
- Will there be a school/places for adults to work?
- What will we do for entertainment?

Here are some sites where you can find more information

You can present this any way you like! For example: Make a model, create a poster, use google draw...

Please remember to also do at least 15 minutes of reading each night and 15 minutes of basic facts practice!

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