Sunday, November 13, 2016

Week 6 Homework

Welcome to week 6!
If you are able please continue bringing in cans for the Auckland City Mission. 
The last day is this Friday, November the 18th
Then we will send them off to city mission where they will then be gathered up in hampers and delivered to families in need over the holiday period. (Any questions check with Donald, Luke, Ferguson or your teacher)
Homework - Design a parcel that you would give someone to spread some holiday cheer (or just general cheer). What would you include and why? 
As it is a very expensive time of year, stick to a budget of $100.
You can:
- Draw your parcel and what it contains, create a slideshow, create a collage on paper. Of course you are welcome to get creative and present it in other ways!
- Research what you are putting in it and find out prices. 
- Complete a budget for the parcel with links or cutouts as evidence of the price you've found.
- Justify each item in the parcel. Who would appreciate it and why?

Reminder: Please bring your hats to schools- they need to be worn at morning tea and lunch. It is getting much hotter so also ensure you are wearing sunblock.
Good luck to all students participating in the APPA Choir on Tuesday evening.

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